Saturday, 27 April 2013

Lord of the Flies Found Poem


Full Text

Go away…
We don’t want you…
You’re no good…
You can’t come…

What are we?
Humans?  Or animals? Or Savages?
Alone, without any grownups
We suffer untold terrors in the dark
Silent except for the sounds of Nightmare
Huddling together for comfort
Littluns crying for their mothers

We’ll never be rescued
We’ll be like animals
Frightened of people

We’ll live on our own
In the darkest hole
Eating and playing
Like a crowd of kids

Pages used: 20,23,24,33,38,50,59,84,91-92.117,119,158,197
Tools used: Flash player 8, Guitar pro 6, Recorder

1 comment:

  1. For some reason the quality became 10x worse after uploading :P
